Sending Email Newsletters – How to Create an Email Newsletter

Sending email newsletters is a really cost effective way to promote your business. This ebook shows you the best way to create an email newsletter, from start to finish. A bargain at only £5 + VAT. Click the PayPal button to buy it now!

Some people think that email newsletters have had their day, but since you’re here, you obviously don’t believe that. Neither do I. When they are created and written properly, email newsletters can help you grow your business, build your reputation and sell products and services.

I’ve been creating and sending email newsletters for over 7 years and in that time I have learnt a lot about the best ways to create and send email newsletters that work – I have also discovered what not to do and what to avoid!

So what’s the key to email newsletter success? You need a plan, you need great content and you need to know who to send it to.

Many people ask me the best way to create successful email newsletters and how I do it. That’s why I’ve written a brand new ebook – Email Newsletters. It contains over 40 pages of advice, ideas and tips. It takes you through the three main areas that you need to work on. It will help you plan your newsletter – how you’re going to send it and how it will look, so that you can produce a really professional looking newsletter. The book will then help you to write great content (even if you have no idea of what to write about when you start!) that your readers look forward to reading. Then you will learn who best to send your newsletter to and how to grow your mailing list, so that you can get your message out to more and more people.

I’ve packed all my knowledge and experience of email newsletters into this 40+ page ebook. Whether you run your own business or work in the marketing department of a large organization, this book will help you create a newsletter that gets responses like this one:

“I must say out of all the marketing emails I receive I feel yours are the best; this one is particularly good as it’s not a hard sell and it’s good to get some interesting advice.”

To find out how you too can create an email newsletter that people enjoy reading and that will help build your reputation and grow your business, click the Paypal Button below to buy the brand new ebook for only £9.99 + VAT.

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