How Do You Get Your Business off the Feast and Famine Roller Coaster
When I started my business back in 2000, I never knew where the next bit of work was coming from and when the next pay cheque would arrive. It was very different from the 9-5 job...
Google+ – Does your business use it?
Last week I was invited to an event at the Google offices in London -to say the least, I was beyond excited. The morning event had guest speakers from various businesses, one of them was a...
I Love it When a Plan Comes Together!
Those immortal words spoken by Hannibal Smith are still relevant today. For marketing to succeed, it's vital that you start any activity with a plan. The planning process is crucial for any business, and marketing should...
Because Ad Hoc Marketing Does Not Work
For your marketing to work properly, you need to plan it. You need to know what you're doing, when, how and why. If you just do a bit now and then, when you're not too busy,...
6 Months Down The Line
6 months down the line I am now in the sixth month of my apprenticeship! It's hard to believe that I've been working for Appletree for half a year; everything is becoming second nature to me....
Make Your WordPress Website Perform
In our previous blog we wrote about how easy it is to develop a website using a platform such as WordPress. What was known predominantly for blogging, it can also be used to make great websites. ...
Why Are You Working for Clients Who Don’t Appreciate You?
"I didn't realise that I don't have to work with clients who don't appreciate me!" This is what one of the delegates said at a workshop we ran earlier this year, when we were helping people...
The Art of Marketing Integration
The art of integrating your marketing is easy if you keep it simple. Our previous blog illustrated how your marketing activity should be linked by a common message - and integrated - to be most effective....