Do Paperbacks Still Have a Place in our Lives Today?
As a lifelong book worm and avid reader I get nervous in this technological age that books are going to disappear. Yes I mean books made from paper, printed and kept on a shelf. And yes,...
As a lifelong book worm and avid reader I get nervous in this technological age that books are going to disappear. Yes I mean books made from paper, printed and kept on a shelf. And yes,...
In the simplest terms, face to face networking is about meeting the people who will help you make a success of your business. These people can be clients, suppliers and all the other people who can...
One of the secrets of good marketing is to find out what works and do more of it. So how do you find out what works? You measure your marketing! I am always amazed by the...
When people ask me how many different marketing tools they should be using, my answer is usually ?Somewhere between 5 and 10.? Why? Because it can take a number of ?hits? before someone is ready to...
Good website copy writing has never been about keyword stuffing. During April, Google announced its latest updates: Penguin and Panda. These updates are designed to allow Google to more easily identify those sites which have been...
During April 2012 Google rolled out its latest updates, Penguin and Panda. The objective of the updates is generally to repel those website which are written primarily to score highly in Google rankings. Those sites which...
This might sound like a strange question, but it is a question that everyone who is thinking about going networking should answer. Networking is a really powerful marketing tool for many people and many businesses, but...
How do you work out the best structure for your website? Whether you?re starting from scratch, or planning a review of your site, what?s the best way to work out which pages to use and where to...
It seems the art of letter writing is disappearing fast. It?s a shame, not only from a handwriting point of view, but also because a simple letter can still be an effective sales tool. Here?s a...
This is something I heard someone say at a networking meeting last month. We had eaten lunch and were then given the chance to stand up for about a minute, to tell the rest of the...
In my travels around the world, I get to speak to many different audiences, work...
Why is it so easy to get marketing wrong? To spend money and not get...
Back in 2015 I started looking into more effective ways for businesses to stand out...