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You’re Good at What You Do … But Can You Prove it?

Whipsnade trainYou’re Good at What You Do … But Can You Prove it?

You’ve been doing what you do for some time. This means that you really know your stuff, you have clients who love what you do and who tell you regularly how happy they are with you. But how do you prove to potential clients that you’re as good as you say you are? How do you make sure that they believe what it says on your website?

The trick is to use your clients’ good will and write some case studies about how you’ve helped them.

So where do you start? Think about your clients and the work you’ve done for them. Select a few of them who, if you write case studies about them, will allow you to talk about a number of different aspects of the service you provide, or the different types of clients you work with. Then you just need to talk to your selected clients to find out if they’re happy for you to write about them (and give them some free publicity in the process!).

To make sure you get the full story, there are four questions you can ask your clients:

  1. What was the problem you were looking to solve?
  2. Why did you work with us rather than one of our competitors?
  3. What did we do for you and what was the solution to your problem?
  4. What results did we achieve for you?

Then all you need to do is listen to their answers and write up what they say! Actually it might not be as simple as that; you might need to go and spend time with your clients, to really find out what they think about you. This also gives you the opportunity to build up your relationship while you’re there.

Once you’ve written up your case study, remember to ask for your client’s approval, before you put it on our website or have it printed out. Make sure they’re happy with what you’ve written about them and give them the opportunity to change anything they’re not sure about. Then you’re free to use your new case study!

Recently one of my clients asked me to write up some case studies Luton Airport case studyabout their clients and the work they do for them. In order to do it properly, we went to see two of these clients – Whipsnade Zoo and GBS at Luton Airport. We had a great day out! I got to ride on a steam train at the zoo, get up close to loads of animals and see some really expensive private jets! All the time, my clients were able to spend time with their clients, in a relaxed atmosphere, building on their relationships and picking up ideas as they listened to their clients answering my questions. And at the same time, I was able to spend more time getting to know my clients, so it was win-win for all of us. You can see the Whipsnade case study on my client’s website at here.

Perhaps one day I’ll ask them if I can write a case study about writing case studies for them!

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