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Would You Buy a Skoda?

Just before Christmas 2012 I took delivery of my brand new car. I decided a year before that I would have a new car by then and so in September last year I started looking for it. I met someone who specialises in finding cars for people and gave him a shopping list of what I was looking for. Taking into account all my requirements (size, price, availability, colour and so on), the final shortlist came down to one car – a Skoda Citigo. When I first heard that the car that met all my criteria was a Skoda, I had a moment of thinking, “But a Skoda? Do I really want a car like that?”

Where does this come from? Many years ago – and we’re probably talking at least 15 years now – Skoda’s didn’t have a great reputation. We used to make jokes about cars like Skodas and Ladas. I don’t actually remember what we thought was wrong with these cars back then, but something in me obviously remembered their poor reputation. It clouded my initial reaction to the suggestion of buying one.

Isn’t it amazing how something that happened so long ago can still colour our judgement? How something that someone once told us can affect the reputation of a brand for so long. What are people saying about your business now and what will they be saying in 10, 15 or 20 years time? What can you do to make sure that you build and maintain the best reputation? What can you do to encourage people to think of your brand in the way you want them to?

And isn’t it amazing how wrong we can be? I’m very pleased that I didn’t listen to the little voice that said to me “You don’t want a Skoda” because I love my new car. The Citigo has won lots of awards and is a great little car to drive. It has really high fuel economy and no tax to pay at all. It’s nippy and comfortable. And best of all, it’s bright green!

How is your brand holding up?

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