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What Does a 24 Year Old Think about Social Media?

Dale (2)What Does a 24 Year Old Think About Social Media

Over the past 6 months at Appletree, I have been blogging about and using social media much more than I would from home. So what’s it all about? This blog will give you an insight into what a 24 year old sees when he puts his social media and marketing skills together.





Social media is all about sharing. Even if your profile or company page has only 20 likes, if someone shares something from your timeline everyone who is connected with that person will see it on theirs. Post things that will get people talking, offer incentives for the people who share your post and like your page. People these days are so much more willing to help you out if there is something in it for them.

Customer Feedback

I think one of the things I find great about Facebook and Twitter is the ability to have a look at what people are saying about a certain product or service. Just typing the name into Twitter’s search bar is enough to give you hundreds of comments and tweets about that luxury jacket you have been eyeing up. This is a great way to see what the public think, the good and the bad. Let’s face it, a website isn’t going to put up a bad testimonial about one of the services they provide but if you look on Twitter you could see a tweet from someone saying why you shouldn’t be using it.

Pictures and Videos

With Facebook now owning Instagram and Twitter having Vine, video and photo sharing is bigger than ever. This is a great tool to use in your marketing plan. Why show just a photo of your product ? You could be showing a short video of it in action or an explanation of it while a slideshow of pictures zooms across the background. A photo tells a thousand words but a video says much more. Once your video or photo has been posted just wait for people to share, comment and like it. Its all about building your digital presence and getting your name out there.


One of the best features of any social media platform is the way it lets you connect to your friends and family. From a business point of view it lets you connect to your potential and current clients. The best way to get your name out there is to start building your contact list. Try importing your email contacts into Facebook or Google+ to see how many of your friends are already using it. Connect with them and once they start sharing the content you are putting up with their friends your connections will grow and grow.


Social is 24/7

Something to think about it the time you are using social media. With the ability to schedule tweets and Facebook posts there is no limit to where and when you post. You need to remember that not all of your customers or potential clients will be online during working hours. So if you stop tweeting at 5 on a Friday evening and pick it up again at 9 Monday morning could mean missing out on potential business, or fuelling the flames of an upset customer by ignoring their complaint. I use the majority of my social media after I have left the comfort of my office, sitting on my sofa searching, buying and investigating. I wouldn’t want to miss out on the latest offers from my favourite brand because they don’t tweet at weekends. It’s so easy these days to set up a scheduling plan for your social media. I would suggest setting it up and using it in your marketing plan – have a look at Hootsuite.


So there it is my look at what’s great about social media. If you know any other reasons or a different view on one of my topics please get in touch, comment below or write on our Facebook wall.

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