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Video in Business

Did you know that YouTube is the 2nd most used search engine in the world? This would suggest that more and more people are using videos to answer their questions, give them knowledge or even just to connect with other people around the world. People and more people are preferring to watch videos than read text. If people are changing the way they communicate (or preferred communication method) should your business not be keeping up to date with its target audience?

Granted that not everybody prefers watching videos, but the direction that our way of life is heading towards is video and other digital tools. With the increased use of programs and tools such as Skype, Google Hangouts or even devices such as YouTube, is it any wonder that video has become so popular?  After all this, you may still be thinking “but videos are not relevant to my business type.” And I would have to disagree.  Even the NHS tried using video, granted the superman chief executive got a very mixed review online, but it shows that they are trying to connect with their audience. Perhaps some proper planning may be needed for the NHS marketing plan.

I personally feel a lot of the perception around videos is that they are just a short clip of business leaders posting a thirty second long video about why their company is the best in the world. Unfortunately we do see a lot of this and do recommend that you post something a little more engaging and interesting to your audience.

Ultimately you should be posting videos for the following reasons.

  • Can be good a good SEO tool for your website.
  • Engage with your audience
  • You can analyse consumer behaviour
  • Show off your expertise and knowledge
  • Connect with your audience on an emotional level – put a face to your company.

The listed above are some of the key reasons that your business should be using videos in your marketing plan. Videos can also proof to a very cost effective marketing tool, so don’t worry it’s not going to cost you thousands of pounds.

So is your business missing a key communication tool to connect with your audience? Or are you making the most of videos and engaging with your audience and getting your brand out there! Keep an eye out for Fridays blog as Debbie will be giving you some success stories we have had with videos and how to get the best from your videos.

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