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Using video testimonials to spread the word


A few weeks ago I went to a really good workshop on social media. I picked up lots more tips about using LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter that we?ll be passing on to you through this blog, through our newsletter, Scribbles, and through Twitter (follow us @TopMarketingTip).

At the end of the session, the presenter, Nigel Morgan, said that he?d like to video some of the participants, if they?d like to say nice things about him and what they?d learnt. Some people immediately went shy and said they couldn?t possibly go on camera.  Then I heard that the videos would be put onto Nigel?s website, with links back to the participants? websites and that Nigel would make sure they would be found by anyone searching the internet for them. I volunteered straight away ? never one to miss out on some free publicity!

Nigel is very well known in our area (Berkshire in the UK) and across the world, because of how he uses social media. He has over 7000 followers on Twitter and is followed by many journalists, who like to quote him and ask him for comments. He gets thousands of visitors to his website every week. This is something that all of us at the workshop can tap into, thanks to Nigel?s offer to video us. The testimonials will be great for Nigel, helping him to sell more workshops; and the fact that they?ll be seen by thousands more people around the world will be great for those of us who volunteered.

So, the next time you?re offered some free publicity, don?t be shy! Jump in and see what it can do for you!

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