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Using the Law of Attraction to grow your business

I?ve been reading The Law of Attraction by Michael Losier. I attracted it to me ? by putting it on my Christmas list!

I?ve been a fan of the law of attraction for many years, since finding out how to apply it to find ideal clients and attracting them to my business. It works on the ?like attracts like? principle and you can read more here in a blog I wrote about it. Now I know a bit more about how it works. You see, your words turn into thoughts and those thoughts turn into feelings, or positive or negative vibes. This means that you get what you say and think, whether it?s positive or negative. You know what happens when someone tells you not to think of a pink elephant, don?t you? The words are ?pink elephant?, so that?s what you think of.

So if you want to get rid of your overdraft, you can?t do it by saying ?I want to get rid of my overdraft? because the focus is on ?overdraft?. You could repeat the phrase over and over, like a mantra, but all it will do is attract you an overdraft!

Losier has a three stage process for attracting what you want. The best thing you can do is read the book, but in the meantime, here?s a summary.

  1. Identify your desire ? get really clear on what you want. One of the best ways of doing this is by writing a list of what you don?t want. Then take each thing on the list and turn it into something positive. If you don?t want to be late for a meeting, think about being early or on time.
  2. Give your desire attention ? use your words to get more of what you want. One tool you can use for this is rewording affirmations. If your affirmation is that you have a fit, toned body, but you don?t see that when you look in the mirror, say instead say ?I am in the process of developing a fit, toned body.? That?s true and it feels much better.
  3. Allow it ? because allowing is the absence of negative vibes, or doubt. Take away the doubt and what you want can get to you.

Sounds simple, doesn?t it?! It is and it works. Try this process on something small to start with, and see what happens. And for the full story, read Losier?s book.

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