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Tips to help you improve your listening


Listening is a skill that you need to master as part of your marketing. Why? Because you need to listen to what your clients want from you; and because you need to listen to what potential clients want, so that you can put together the best solution for them.

I?ve been reading a book called Clean Language by Wendy Sullivan and Judy Rees. I?d like to share with you some of the tips they include in the book, that will help you improve your listening.

  1. Put your attention on what the other person is actually saying rather than on the person, or what you think their words might mean.
  2. Give them time to answer your questions. Some people like to think about their answer before they speak, so don?t rush them.
  3. Believe what the other person is saying. Treat the words as if they are true for the speaker.
  4. Repeat back some of the words or phrases that hear, exactly as you hear them, without putting your own meaning onto them.
  5. Take notes if it helps keep your attention on what the other person is saying.
  6. Be curious and interested in the other person.
  7. Turn down your internal commentator ? that little voice that keeps chattering away inside your head, trying very hard to distract you.
  8. Practise!

The last tip is probably the most important. The more you practise, the better you will get at listening to what people want. Then, instead of telling people what solution you can provide for them, you can listen to their issues and what they need, before shaping the best solution for them. Then you can just sit back and listen for them saying ?That?s exactly what I want ? how soon can I have it??

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