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The case in the defence of Twitter

A client recently remarked ?let me know when you get a sale from Twitter?.  In other words, ?I bet I?ll never see the day we get a sale as a result of Twitter!?

A statement said many a time I would wager.  My answer, said smiling: ?No, you probably won?t if you just use Twitter on its own, but use it as part of an integrated marketing plan and yes, you probably WILL see sales as a result of it.?

A great deal of our time as a marketing consultancy is spent working with clients on their marketing planning, and crucially the implementation of those plans.  We ensure all marketing activity is tied together with a common message.  We write blogs, newsletters, press articles, tweets, website copy – all focused on key marketing messages unique to our clients.  It?s the combination of all these activities, carried out regularly, timely but regularly, which is enabling our clients to become seen as experts in each of their fields.

Crucially, the information they are imparting on their target audience is being seen in a variety of areas.  Websites are great as long as people are getting to them, LinkedIn is great for networking and discussions, and Google+ is growing and will be great.

What Twitter does is allow you to ?speak? to a huge number of people, at no cost, and with little time.  Just make sure you apply a bit of thought to ensure your message is ?on plan? and you create a call to action (eg website links) and you have an effective marketing tool.

In a recent statistic I read (I know stats are what you want them to be but…) ?80% of business decision makers now prefer to get company information in a series of articles versus an advertisement.?  By using the platforms social media provides, your company information can be seen this way.  Social media writing can easily be incorporated with Facebook, Twitter and other outlets, driving valuable inbound links for SEO.

I feel privileged to be involved in providing intelligent content marketing to clients who recognise what marketing actually should be, which consistent, ongoing, valuable information to customers is.  With the right marketing planning and delivery, customers will ultimately reward with their business and loyalty.

Yes, marketing is still what it always was – creating messages, identifying prospective customers and trying to influence their behaviour.  These days, it?s just being delivered in a different, I would say smarter way, and across different platforms, even Twitter.

Contact Appletree  ( and let us know if you have or haven?t seen sales from your social media plan – and yes, that does include Twitter!

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