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Taking your customers on a journey through your website


If you plan what you want your website visitors to do and think about how they will react to pages on your site, you can encourage them to do what you want them to do.

Here?s an example of a journey they might take.

1 ? Your visitor has a question or a problem they need to solve. They?ll think of a keyword phrase for it, which they?ll use to search Google (other search engines are available!)

2 ? Your visitors looks at the results they get in Google and see your listing, due to the benefit, offer or strong call to action you?ve put into the description. This shows them that you could have the answer to their problem and they click your link.

3 ? The visitors reaches your page which relates to both the keyword they searched on and the contents of the description. This consistency tells them right away that your website might have the answer to their question.

4 ? Your visitor reads about how you can solve their problems. They like what they see but want reassurance before they will contact you or part with their money. Your easy to find links to information about your company and quotes from happy clients helps with this. They read what you have to say and go back to the product or service they?re interested in.

5 ? Next your visitor sees your clear call to action telling them how to contact you, or buy from you. They fill in the contact form, pick up the phone, or order the product! Success!

Create a journey for the visitors to your website and you will be able to lead them to do exactly what you want them to do.

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