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Stop Wasting Your Marketing Budget!

I spoke to someone at a networking meeting recently, who told me about the different marketing he was doing. He was sending out leaflets and going networking and phoning potential clients and doing more networking and going to exhibitions and setting up a website and advertising – he was doing a lot! And yet he said that none of it seemed to be working ? and he wanted to know why not.

I asked him who his ideal clients were and he didn’t really know – he thought everyone should buy from him. I asked him where he wanted to go with his business and other than ‘grow’ he didn’t really know. “How do you keep in touch with your existing customers?” I asked. His reply was that he sent them random emails when he wasn’t too busy networking or putting leaflets through doors. Had he worked out how much the different marketing activities might cost and what return he might get? All he said to that was “Well, we did a leaflet drop and didn’t get any response so we’re doing it again.” Really?! Why?

As I listened to this tale of woe, I realized why his marketing wasn’t working. It was because he didn’t have a plan. He hadn’t thought about what marketing he was doing or why. It’s a bit like getting into your car and setting off, without knowing where you’re going, which route to take or even why you’re going!

Here is a simple process you can use to create a Marketing Plan for your business.

1. Situation – where are you now? What’s your starting point in terms of products and services, resources and competitors?

2. Objectives – where do you want to be? What are you short, medium and long term goals?

3. Strategy – how will you get there? Will you sell more of your existing services or develop new ones? Will you sell them to existing clients or look for new ones?

4. Targets – who are your ideal clients? Be really specific!

5. Tactics – what is the best marketing to do? Be really selective and do your research first.

6. Money – how much does it cost? Work out how much you can afford, before you agree to any ‘special offers.’

7. Men & Women – who will do it? Do you know what you’re doing or do you need help?

8. Minutes – how long will it take? Marketing is not an overnight, quick fix.

9. Measurements – measure everything so you can do more of what works and less of what doesn’t.

For more details on how to use this process, click here to find free resources on our website. We’re running another of our really popular SOS Marketing Workshops on 4 October 2012 and there are only a few places left. Click here to book yours.

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