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How Do You Build Your Personal Brand?

CJC for websiteHow Do You Build Your Personal Brand?

Last week I wrote about how to develop your personal brand; this time I thought I’d share with you some tips on how to develop your Personal Brand Marketing Plan. Click here if you missed Part One or you need a recap.

The first thing to do is decide on your goal – short, medium or long term. This could be the number of new clients you want to take on this year, or how much you want to grow your turnover – it?s up to you!

Next, think about your top three audiences. Who are the people from whom you need buy-in, to help you achieve your goal? At Appletree these are potential clients such as Consultants, our existing clients and referrers – people who will recommend us to others.

For each one, you need to answer these questions:

    1. What are their key motivators? What do they want to achieve in their business? For example, your potential clients could be Consultants who want to grow their business, but who don?t know how to do it.


    1. What aspect of your personal brand will appeal to what motivates them? If part of your personal brand is a ‘can do’ attitude, this will appeal to busy Consultants who need marketing support and who don’t have much time to spare.


    1. What service can you offer that connects your personal brand with what motivates your audience? How about a ‘done for you’ marketing service that allows them to get on with what they’re good at.


    1. What opportunities do you have to communicate this to them? Think about the verbal and physical ways in which you can tell your clients how you can help them. This includes what you say and how you say it.


    1. What messages do you need to get across? If your message is about your ‘done for you’ service then you need to use your personal brand to tell people about your steady reputation and years of experience!


When you have the answers to all these questions, for your top three audiences, you’ll be in a strong position to use your personal brand to promote your business and reach your goals.

How do you use your personal brand in your marketing?

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