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Networking – Do we still need face-to-face?

Nowadays, we have many different ways of getting in touch with each other and meeting new people. The social media takeover means we can keep up with what our peers are doing at the touch of a button but face-to-face networking is a valuable skill, and not many people still have it. Networking and marketing go hand in hand, and it?s all about tailoring it to your business. You need to choose events that work for you. Here are some quick tips about improving your face-to-face networking.

1.       To eat, or not to eat?

Many people don?t think about this, but eating poses more of a problem than you?d guess. Can you hold a flowing conversation whilst eating? Maybe you find it distracting. Different meetings have different catering – some are canapés and others are three course meals! Bear this in mind. Go for valued networking and connect with the most people, not for a meal.

2.       Formal or Informal?

There?s a wide range of formality in networking. Some are so informal there?s little structure at all, it?s up to you to talk to people and start conversation. Formal meetings often have seating plans and timetabled 30 second introductions from the attendees. If you?re a people person, and can start conversations easily, maybe there?s less need for formal networking. Go where you?re comfortable.

3.       Industry Specific?

It?s always worth being strategic with your networking. You?ll get more out of it if you go to a meeting relevant to you. If you work with businesses within a specific market sector, then go out ? be proactive! Find out where they network and join them. Chartered institutes or associations are great places to start. If your clients are across a range of sectors, find out what they have in common. Is it business size, or target market? Find out where they network, and see them. There?s no downside to getting to know your client?s industry a bit better.

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