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Mentoring your Business into the Future

You need to do some marketing to help improve your business, but you have no idea where to start, marketing is such a broad subject that the start line could be anywhere. In the past you have used a range of marketing activities to help your business, but have they done anything to help achieve your objectives?

As I’ve just said, marketing is such a broad subject with so many different branches to venture down, it almost becomes overwhelming. How do you identify where to start? How do you determine the beginning of your marketing tree?  A common problem faced by many small business owners is that they do not have the time, money or expertise to do their own marketing activities to promote their products or services .

Having a monthly discussion with a marketing mentor can do wonders for your business.  When you start out with a marketing mentor, the mentor will ask you where your business currently is and what your business goals are. Using the mentors knowledge and expertise they can help your business to achieve its goals and targets. Together you will create a marketing plan to outline your key marketing activities and when you are going to do them. The mentor will provide you with homework I’m afraid, but it’s the right homework and it will not waste your time.

With support from your mentor you can really brighten your business into the business you want it to be. Your mentor will be available to provide support throughout the time you have taken them on to the time you decide you can stand on your own two feet. Your marketing mentor will be able to provide you with marketing advice and support at a cost effective rate meaning your business can grow at a sustainable rate.

If you are interested in more information on marketing mentoring then have a look at our website. Alternatively have a watch of this video and hear how marketing mentoring has helped one of clients to grow their business. How do you plan to grow your business? Do you have a plan or do you need some help along the way?

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