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Marketing is a Marathon, Not a Sprint (or an Overnight Fix)

marathon appletreeOver the last few years, I’ve written a number of blogs about the similarities between training for and completing a long distance running event and running a business.

After running my first half marathon, this first blog talked about the importance of having goals for your business and your marketing. Once you have a goal, you can then create a plan to follow – and stick to – and decide how to reward yourself along the journey.

A year later, I wrote about my second half marathon and how it was easier than the first, because I was fitter and knew what to expect. I also had company on the run – click here to meet him.

A few years on and I’ve just done it all again! On Sunday 3 May 2015 I completed a 13.2 mile run across the amazing Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire. What did I learn this time about marketing and business?

  1. Don’t get complacent. Just because something worked before, or because it was easy, does not mean that you can sit back and take it easy. Keep training – which in business terms means keep doing your marketing. You might be busy with client work, but you must still find the time to go networking, write your weekly blog or follow up with enquiries.


  1. Build a team around you. Even if there is just you in your business, you need a team around you. Find out what their strengths are and use them. This year I ran with both my dogs. Ernie keeps running no matter what, so every time I started to feel a bit tired, I put him back on the long lead and he helped me along. Gem just loves being out (she was rescued just over a year ago) and is always happy and smiling. When I’m tired, she makes me laugh just by watching her bounce around!


  1. See the bigger picture. At one point on Sunday, I was running along, head down into the wind, feet slipping in the mud. And then I looked up. The views across Salisbury Plain were just amazing. I could see for miles and I could see the long, winding route stretching out in front of me. Look towards where you’re going and you’ll find it easier to get there, rather than looking down at your feet.

People often ask me about the best marketing they can do, to quickly get new clients. I always reply by saying that marketing is long term – you have to keep working at it, consistently and steadily. You can’t sprint a half marathon (unless you’re Mo Farah!) so you need to plan your strategy for each mile. When you can do that, you’ll get a much better return and a much more respectable finish time!

If you need help putting together a training plan for your business, get in touch to ask about our Marketing Strategy workshops where we can do just that for your business. Click here for more details and to get in touch.

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