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Let’s Do It!

Good morning Appletree readers, my name is Nidhi, aka the Creator, Innovator and Perfectionist. I joined the Appletree family in the middle of August as the Account Manager and it has been quite a roller coaster of ride to get to this point. So, where do I start? I was born in New Delhi, India. I have a 3 year diploma in Information Technology and Bachelors in Commerce and Computing. I came to UK (Bradford) in 2005 and started my Masters in Total Quality and Performance Management from the University of Bradford. After my qualification’s I started working in the University of Bradford as an Administrative and Research Coordinator in Sep 2007. In Sep 2009 I joined the European Centre for Best Practice Management (Keighley) as a Projects Manager and Creative Catalyst. In March this year, I was made redundant. I spent last six months filling jobs, giving interviews and being rejected, while running my own design studio under NN Branding and Design.

My love of social media, design, marketing and having fun at work is what got me the job. Getting this job is a true testimonial of how Marketing works in real time and how your reputation precedes you. Appletree has been writing the Scribbles newsletters since July 2004 and one of my professional network colleagues, Christine Marsh, has been on the list for years. Christine knew I was looking for a job, so she forwarded me the newsletter. The interesting thing about the job advert was, it was very personable and mentioned please do not send your CV, if you think this position is of interest contact Chantal on 01635 578 500. I found this approach refreshing, after dealing with automated responses for last 6 months.

When I called up the office, Chantal answered the phone and held a phone interview with me. During the call she went straight to check my LinkedIn profile. As a potential employer, it was reassuring for Chantal to see my LinkedIn profile. She later told me that she noticed that it was well networked, and had good collection of recommendations from industry experts. The endorsements on the profile also showcased my expertise. I was invited for the interview and was introduced to the lovely team. I joined the team and I’ve been working here for last 3 weeks.

As a part of my personal development plan, Chantal encouraged me to blog about twice a month on the topics I feel comfortable about. So starting in two weeks I will be talking about social media and its impact in your marketing and creating an online image. My mantra for social media and online networking is simple, if what I share on any social media appears on the front cover of a national newspaper, will I be embarrassed? If so, I do not share it.

While starting to write the blog, I was filled with doubt and thought I would not be able to do it, so decided Let’s Do It! The moment I started writing, the worries dissolved. I found ideas appearing on the page and the blog wrote itself. So my question to you dear reader is – Do you have any projects that you are procrastinating on? Please feel free to share them in the comments below.

I look forward to reading your response.

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