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Is Your Website Doing What You Want it To?

About a month ago Debbie and I conducted a website performance review for Appletree (our own website!).   A website performance review is an Appletree product we developed last year, as we recognised that in order to maximise the performance of your website you should regularly review it and make necessary changes.  We regularly review our clients’ websites and advise and implement changes to improve SEO and ROI as a marketing tool.  However, we hadn’t as yet reviewed our own website.   You can read all about our findings and how its helped by checking out Debbie’s blog on Friday.

So why would you want your website reviewed? Reviewing your website is always worth looking at doing for several reasons. Firstly, is it up to date? Do you have information on your website that is no longer relevant? We live in an age where people want up to date content and will not settle for old information. If a user sees that your website has not been updated in a few months/year then chances are they are probably going to look elsewhere. The internet has made it so easy to find up to date content that people will only settle for current websites. Plus having up to date content is very good for your SEO;  Google loves fresh content.

In the review we will also tell you if your SEO implementation is working. Using various tools we look over how many visitors a month your website gets, how they found your website and much more. As search phrases can change in popularity very quickly it is always worth checking you have the up to date yet relevant search phrase on your site. We also look at specifics such as where in the world people are viewing your website, we can narrow it down to what area of a country are viewers from. It is important to check this to make sure your website is attracting the right people for your business. For example an plumber based in Oxford is going to want his website to attract people in the local area, not the residents of a small town in Germany.

As well as content and SEO we look also look at the design, business brand, any website errors or bugs and a list of recommendations for your website. The recommendations are provided in a traffic light system so it’s clear what’s urgent and what can wait.

If you are interested in having your website reviewed then please do send me an email for more information. Remember whilst you may think that your website portrays your company message, your website viewers may not agree.

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