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Is SEO that effective?


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is such a vital part of the digital marketing world that recently we are seeing more and more companies offering it as a service. More businesses are claiming SEO expertise as the field is becoming vastly important in the digital world. Can SEO bring a massive difference to your business? Is it that effective?

SEO can be used on not only your website, but the vast majority of your digital presence. This can include platforms such as social media, or blogs/articles you have written. By optimising your digital presence you will increase the amount of traffic you receive and if your presence is up to scratch then the traffic could turn into clients and customers. However, you  need to be careful as if you use it in the wrong way or only half heartily conduct SEO then you?ll find it can be your worst enemy.  However, when used in the right way,  SEO can be your new best friend in marketing.

Below are some tips on how SEO can do wonders for your digital marketing:

  • Do the research – find out what words and phrases people are using in search engines to find their desired content. Once you have learnt what people are searching, use it. Add the search phrases into your website copy, meta data and page titles.
  •  Give your audience a choice of platforms – people like to view information differently; some prefer reading it, others may prefer to watch it via a video. Search engines are aware of this and will give your website a higher rank if it can detect a variation of content.
  • How socially engaged are you? – Social media has become extremely important in SEO in the past couple of years. In short, if you are not using social media to engage with your audience then search engines will know and will not prioritise your website.
  • Building the links – Do you have any links pointing to your website? Having a hyperlink to your website is always a bonus as it can bring a vast amount of people over. Having good quality links from other websites will help your search engine rankings, but it can damage your sites performance if they are from websites with reported viruses, so they must be links from genuine sites.
  • Upload fresh content – Search engines like to see websites with fresh content. By uploading useful content on a regular basis, you are not only giving a reason to your audience to return to your website, you are increasing your website rank. Try writing a blog every week or two.

These are a few tips that can help your websites’ performance increase which could lead to an increase in clients or turnover. One of the key rules that I stick to whenever I am conducting SEO, is ‘is it relevant’?  Your website is attracting a target group of people, not everyone under the sun, so remember that when you are looking for search phrases. It is always better to have lower targeted numbers visiting your site than a high number of average Joe’s.

Remember, you need to optimise your website with relevant content. Do not try and attract everyone on the internet. If you would like more information on SEO or to improve your website rankings, then get in touch. What do you do at the moment to optimise your website?

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