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In the A – Z of Marketing, W is for – Writing

In the A – Z of Marketing, W is for – Writing

W is for writing - the a-z of marketing by Appletree UKWhen I was walking my dogs the other evening, in the summer sunshine, I started to wonder what I would write about in this chapter of the A-Z of Marketing. Websites? What’s the point of marketing? Work-life balance? (which doesn’t exist, by the way, but work-life integration does!) And then I decided that actually, W would be for Writing.

Why is W for Writing? If you’ve read some of my previous blogs and my email newsletter, you’ll know that I firmly believe that the key to good marketing is great content – it’s what you write about. I believe that you can’t promote a business without writing about it.

Think about it. You could put images onto your website, but can you get your message across without words as well? If you don’t send out brochures or promotional emails, you would have to rely on cold calling – what a thought! If you sell products rather than services, a few adverts with photos of those products might sell a few of them; but what if you sell services? You could go networking without having to write anything, but that’s about it on the marketing front.

So you have to write in order to promote your business ? especially if you provide a service. Why? Because content is the best way to tell people what you do and show them how much you know about what you do. Content allows you to demonstrate your expertise to potential clients, it lets you share your knowledge and build up relationships with prospects.

Writing also gives you a way to get your message to a wider audience. A tweet can be seen by many more people than you can talk to in one evening at a networking meeting. That tweet can point your followers to your email newsletter, where they can pick up lots of tips and advice as well as getting the chance to know you a bit better. When they subscribe to your newsletter, you have a way of keeping in touch with them every month – a great way to work on that all important relationship. One day, when they need some help, they’ll know who to turn to, because you’ve been writing to them on a regular basis, generously sharing your knowledge and expertise. When they’re ready to pay for that knowledge, they’ll be happy to pay you for it.

And that’s why you should use writing to promote your business!

How do you use writing to promote your business?

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