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In the A – Z of Marketing, S is for – Service (both types!)

In the A – Z of Marketing, S is for – Service (both types!)

What do I mean by both of them? I mean the service that you sell and the service you provide. Still confused?

Firstly the service you sell. If you sell a service, rather than a product, there are specific ways to promote what you do that are different to how to you promote a product. With products you can touch them, see them and compare them to others. This computer is smaller than that one; it’s faster and costs less. The other one comes in a range of colours but costs a lot more. If you know what you want from the computer you’re going to buy, you can look at what’s available and make your choice. Marketing for products can include images and simple ways to buy.

But you can’t do the same with a service. If you’re a coach, a trainer or any sort of consultant, you’re selling your time and experience. How do you show your potential clients what that looks like? How do you persuade them to part with their money before they really know what sort of results they’re going to get? By showing them what you can do and giving them a taste of how you can help them. Write about what you do and share your expertise in a newsletter, blog or ebook. Give talks at networking events to allow people experience you in action.

I recently started working with a Virtual Assistant to help with all our admin. The person I decided to work with was Hannah at Amethyst PA. Why Hannah? Because I’ve met her a number of times at networking events and whenever I’ve asked her for advice on something admin related, she’s happily given me the answer, without asking for anything in return. She also writes good blogs that are full of advice – check them out at She demonstrated her service to me and gave me the confidence to work with her.

Then there’s the service you provide. This is how you deliver what you do and the way in which you look after your clients. Do you listen to what they want and provide exactly the right service? Or do you ignore their comments and complains?

Recently I ordered a table top banner to help me promote my second book. I sent off a pdf file of the cover, to be used on the banner. I agreed to the cost and asked for it to be delivered, to save me driving 30 miles to collect it. When it arrived, the colours weren’t as bright as the colours on my book cover; and I was surprised that it had been delivered by the postman, rather than the courier I thought I’d paid for. So when the company from whom I ordered the banner emailed to ask for feedback on my recent purchase, I didn’t hold back. And I received a phone call from them 20 minutes later! That impressed me. What impressed me even more was when they offered to create a brand new banner for me, with better colours. Now that is great service!

Book and banner

Can you spot the difference between my book and the original banner?!

How do you promote your service? And once you’ve won a new client, how do you give them a service that delights them?

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