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In the A-Z of Marketing Experts, P is for Pam Burrows, the People Booster

Many of the people who I’ve been writing about in this A-Z of Marketing Experts don’t consider themselves to be marketing experts. Some of them will probably tell you that they don’t really understand marketing. Most of them don’t realise what a great job they are doing of marketing their businesses.

This is why I’ve decided to award P to the lovely Pam Burrows, also known as the People Booster. Pam is one of the most positive, bubbliest people I know. She’s always smiling and cheering on the people around her, no matter what she’s dealing with.

So what makes Pam a marketing expert? She lives and breathes her brand and communicates it through her marketing.

Monday Motivation

Every Monday morning I receive an email newsletter from Pam. It helps set up the week for me, as it’s full of motivation and inspiration. But Pam doesn’t just trot out the same old tips that you’ll hear from the motivation ‘gurus’. Pam uses her own experiences and stories to show her readers how they can change their thinking or their attitude. She really shares her own successes and challenges, to show us how we can overcome anything that the world throws at us. Recently Pam wrote a beautiful, heartfelt newsletter that really struck a cord with me, for personal reasons. I replied to Pam just to say thank you for taking the time to write her newsletter. It was one that really helped me, because of how she shared her personal story and the journey that she’s on. Her reply to me was this: “It’s quite breathtaking to see the response to stories that are written straight from the heart, rather than from a learning point.”Being honest and open allows you to really connect with the important people.

Are you being the real ‘you’ in what you send to your clients and prospects?

Smiles on Camera

At the end of each of Pam’s newsletters is a short video of her. She either talks about the issue that she’s covered in the newsletter, or shares some other useful tips and advice. One of my favourites is where Pam shares how she changed from wearing very high heeled, sparkly but potentially dangerous shoes that she could fall out of, to equally sparkly and much safer shoes. They still show the real Pam to her audiences when she’s on stage, without her having to try too hard. An important lesson for all of us who worry about what we’re wearing or what we look like.

Are you using video to talk to your potential clients and show them the real you?

Star Appeal

Pam does a lot of public speaking and training and one of her trademarks is giving out gold stars. The last time I attended an event where Pam was speaking – which was at least eight months ago – she did her usual thing of giving us all stars. “You are all stars,” she told us. “Put your star somewhere that you’ll see it on a regular basis.” I stuck mine onto the name badge that I was wearing at the time and that I wear to a regular monthly networking meeting. It always prompts questions and is a great ice breaker; and in my answer I always explain that Pam Burrows, the People Booster, gave it to me. So she gets at least one mention every month from me!

What can you do to help people remember and refer you?

When you’re a coach, consultant or trainer, you’re selling yourself – your own time, experience and expertise. So you need to find ways to show people who you really are, so that they can decide whether or not to work with you. If you can be honest and open, like Pam, and give people a reason to remember you with a smile, you’re on your way to becoming a Marketing Expert!

If you’d like some Monday Motivation, please subscribe to Pam’s wonderful email newsletter. Go to and scroll to the bottom of the page, where you’ll find the sign up forms. There are also loads of boosting videos that you can watch on Pam’s website.

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