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How To Get More Views For Videos

You have recognised that videos are an important marketing activity that connects you with your audience. You have started filming, creating and uploading videos but noticed that the videos are not reaching the amount of views you had expected. What do you do?

More and more businesses are recognising the effectiveness of videos in their marketing. On company websites we often see links to social media, included are YouTube/Vimeo and Vevo. These video social media websites are currently hosting millions of videos. Whilst it is good to see more businesses recognising the importance of videos, how are they performing? A lot of the time, businesses just upload a video and hope that it gets seen by the world. However this is where the work needs to be put in, getting your videos seen by people.

So, how do we improve your video interaction? How do you get more views/comments/shares?

  • Give your video a title – It may seem simple, but this is a big part of SEO and can make a massive impact on your videos performance. Do some research and find keywords and phrases that people are searching for and put them in your title. Make sure the title is appealing to the human eye and not just stuffed with relevant keywords.
  • Description – Add your keywords/phrases into the description too as this will help with the video performance. Whilst it is good to include a brief description of what the video is about, having the keywords or phrases will help its ranking.
  • Include a link to your site – Add a link to your website into the description of the video. This is good for the performance of your website and of course can be a good call to action for your viewer.
  • Tags – Add video tags. This links back to the title and description, add the keywords and phrases you have found and put them into the tag section. This will help the search engine identify what the video is about.
  • Update regular content – Search engines like regular content, so uploading fresh videos will help the performance of your video channel. Having a decent range of videos on your channel will also benefit you as it shows off your skills and expertise.

Remember you can apply a lot of these tips to your video channel (which will help the SEO performance and gain you more engagement).  Video channels are becoming more and more intelligent and give the user a lot to play with, so you can not only review how people discover  your videos but create an appealing channel.

These tips will help to improve the health of your video channel and gain you more and more interaction. Keep the interaction coming in and send them to your central hub, whether that is your website or a phone call with yourself, either way get them to your business and convert a video view to a sale.

By following these steps you will notice a difference on your videos engagement and then your website. Remember, use videos as an engagement tool to connect with your potential clients and customers. Do not just upload videos of your MD saying how brilliant the company is. Use the SEO/Marketing tips to attract more people to your videos but make sure that you only post videos with content people want to see. Do you use videos in your marketing? How do your videos perform?

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