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How often should I update my website?

CJC for websiteWhen was the last time you had a look at your website? I mean properly had a good look through your website and thought, I need to update this! We (at Appletree) are finding that more and more business leaders (or whoever else in charge of your website) haven’t looked through their own websites in months. So why does this matter?

Your website may not be achieving the levels of performance that you had expected it to be. Each person will measure their websites performance is a different manner, so let me put it into a language we all understand. How much is your website costing you?

If your website’s purpose is to bring new clients to your business, or perhaps to sell more products then you want it running at 100%. So how do you know that it’s running at a 100%? Online tools such as Google Analytics are very effective method to measure your website. However they can’t pick up everything, it can only give you specific information. Having an external fresh pair of eyes review your website can tell you how well the website is performing and how it is perceived from a potential client point of view. One of the most important aspects to remember is that an external source will give you an objective overview.

The 4 main areas covered in our website review are:

  • SEO – How well is your website optimised? Can search engines find it?
  • Content – Does it read right? Are there hyperlinks missing in text?
  • Design – Does the design look dated or does it have a contemporary feel?
  • Navigation – How easy can your audience navigate round the website? Are all pages easy to find?

We do also look at other aspects, such as social media. Do you have social media buttons so your audience can connect with you on social media? These are the main aspects of a website that we look at. We then provide you with a report with recommendations listed in a critical ordering system.

Remember that a website review isn’t a long list of criticisms about your website or your work. It is a list of recommendations that can help you to improve the performance of your website, which ultimately could lead to the improvement of sales in the business. Keep an open mind; you never know what a fresh pair of eyes could do for your website.

If you would like to arrange a website performance review, then please do get in touch. As well as reviewing websites we also look at social media accounts, the most popular being Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn – Personal accounts and company pages, and of course YouTube. So get in touch today if you want to make improvements to your website or social media campaigns!

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