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How do you SURVIVE TEN years in business?


This was the subject of the presentation I gave at a breakfast networking meeting on 16 June. If you missed it, or if you were there and you’d like a reminder, here are my 10 tips:

Smile – whatever happens, keep smiling. When times are tough or you have a difficult task to get through, find ways to keep yourself motivated and give yourself rewards for reaching your targets, however small.

Unique ? what makes you different? Be clear about why prospective clients should work with you instead of your competitors. Don?t try to be unique in the same way that everyone else is!

Referrals ? give plenty of referrals and you will receive plenty. Think about how you can connect people, even those who don?t need your services, because they will repay by sending referrals your way.

Voice ? learn to speak in public, so you can promote your business with confidence and passion. Join a Toastmasters group and learn how to do it properly.

Ideal clients ? decide who they are and then only work with them. ?Attracting Perfect Customers? by Stacey Hall will help you find them.

Vision ? draw your dreams! Write or draw them onto a big sheet of paper. Cut out pictures of where you want to be and what you want, as a constant reminder.

Energy ? don?t run out of it! Look after yourself by taking regular days off and holidays. Eat well and get plenty of fresh air and exercise.

Team ? build one around you, because you don?t have to do it all. You can take on staff, work with freelancers and outsource what you don?t like doing.

Empowerment ? motivate your team and inspire them, so they work hard for you. Don?t just tell them what to do all the time.

Next ? decide what?s next! Set more goals; look for more challenges.

All this and more will be included in my book, once it?s published. I’ll keep publishing excerpts on this blog, so please do let me know what you think! And if you’d like me to come and speak at your networking event, do get in touch.

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