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How Do You Survive in Business?

CJC for websiteHow Do You Survive in Business?

Far too many new businesses fail to make it beyond their first few years. A mere 4% of those that start up actually make it to 10 years. Why is this? I don’t think there’s one single reason for it, but a combination of factors. Having recently published my second book, One in Ten, which is the story of the ups and downs of the first 10 years of Appletree (including all the mistakes we made and all the things that worked!) I thought I’d share 10 of the most important tips with you here, using the letters SURVIVE TEN.

S is for Smile. No matter how tough things are for you, keep smiling. When you walk into a networking meeting, smile. When a prospect client asks how it’s going, smile. Find ways to stay positive, because people would much rather work with someone who is cheerful and smiling than with someone who keeps moaning about everything, including the weather.


U is for Unique. What makes you different? Don’t tell me it’s the low prices you charge, or your great service, or how you provide a tailored service – everyone does that! Think about what really makes you different and find a way to express it in your marketing.


R is for Referrals. The best way to get referrals is by giving them. I don’t go to networking meetings looking for people who can refer me; I look for people I can connect and refer to each other. Pay it forward and you’ll get some great referrals from the least expected places. And when you do, remember to say thank you properly!


V is for Voice. You need to develop a voice for your business. If you run your own business, then networking and speaking in public are two of the best ways to promote what you do. But if you’re too nervous to speak out or you don’t know what to say, you won’t be able to make the right impression. Try Toastmasters if you need to learn how to speak in public and want to develop more confidence.


I is for Ideal Clients. Who do you really want to work with? We love working with coaches, consultants and speakers who want to grow their businesses. We only work with people who are passionate about what they do and who want to make a difference. We don’t like working with people who are demanding, rude or who don’t pay on time! Get really clear on who you want to work with and it’ll be easier to find them.


V is for Vision. Where is your business going? What are your goals and objectives? You need to create a vision for your business, unless you’re happy just wandering along. Write it down or draw it and put it somewhere you can see it every day.


E is for Energy. When you run your own business, you really need to look after yourself, so that you have enough energy to look after your business and your clients. Take time out to relax and go on holiday. Find a way for your business to work without you now and then, or you’ll become too run down to look after anyone.


T is for Team. You can’t do it all, so build a team around you. I don’t like doing numbers, so I have a great bookkeeper and accountant who help me. I’m not great at admin, so I have people to help with that too. I also have some great friends I can talk to about the big picture stuff. Find your own support team.


E is for Empowerment. When you have a team – of either staff or freelancers – give them responsibility for what you’ve asked them to do and then let them get on with it. Learn to let go and let other people help you.


N is for Next. Don’t get complacent. Keep asking “What next”? When you reach your goals, set new ones; look for new products and services you can create to meet the needs of your clients; take on a new challenge. These days you can’t afford to stand still.


How do you survive in business? There’s no single answer to that question, I’m afraid. You need to find the right way to do it for you and your business. If you’d like to read the story of how I made it through the first 10 years (which has allowed me to keep going for another three so far) then you can order a copy of my new book, One in Ten, for just£12.99 by clicking here. Let me know if you’d like a signed copy!

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