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Do Paperbacks Still Have a Place in our Lives Today?

As a lifelong book worm and avid reader I get nervous in this technological age that books are going to disappear. Yes I mean books made from paper, printed and kept on a shelf.  And yes, I guess I am not the most gadget-minded of people.

So, I was joyous to have a conversation the other day at a marketing workshop we were running, that I am not alone!  And, more importantly, the consensus of opinion was that there is a place for both traditional paper-based books, and those that sit in ?the cloud? somewhere, or on a handheld device.

I was reminded that e-books are fantastic at being ?of the now?.  They can be updated regularly and sent via the web to anywhere in the world, free of charge.  They serve as a great marketing tool if you use them to provide valuable information to other readers.  Instructional guides are a perfect subject matter to sit on an e-book, particularly if they contain reference to the ever-changing technological world.  Downloadable pdf’s are also a great tool to have on your website, allowing users to gain more information about you or your expertise, with a click of a button.

I will therefore agree, e-books are fantastic for delivering up to date information, and hold a place paper books can?t, particularly in the technology reference world.

However, I will never lose that feeling of turning the pages of an actual book in order to find out ?whodunit? or ?how they did it? (crime fiction is my favourite).  I still get a buzz from bringing home a new book (and smelling it!) and I also love picking up bargains from second hand shops, not only from a price perspective, but also because I love the thought that others have read the book before.

One of the greatest things I inherited from my lovely Gran was the joy of reading, and the vast range of books she once owned and loved are now sat on my bookshelves.  The thought that someday my children might relish the stories and the history behind them fills me with a good feeling.

It was great to know I?m not alone in a love for the old fashioned paper-based book, and it left me sitting a lot happier that I know I?ll still be able to browse a bookshop in 10, 20 years.

At Appletree Publications we help our book writing clients produce both e-books and printed books. We take them through the writing process, advise on structure and content, proof read and type set.  Once the book is printed we then help promote it to the right people.  They say there?s a book in everyone ? why not talk to us about the book within you!  It?s not only very satisfying, it can be a great promotional tool for your business too.

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