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DISCover How to Talk to Your Clients

Have you ever come away from a meeting with a prospect, not quite knowing why you didn?t get the sale, even though you were sure they wanted to buy from you? How often do you have conversations with clients that don?t go quite to plan?

How well do you understand why other people do and say the things they do and say in a certain way? When you understand their behavioural style you?ll find it much easier to work with them. But people behave differently, so you need to know what you?re looking for. Here is a simple classification:

Task focused




















Good listener



Team player









People focused

Different people will fit into different parts of the table ? there are no rights or wrong and you will see some overlap. For example, I?m quite competitive and decisive (D); I?m also an extrovert (I) and I?m a good listener (S). I?m not very analytical or patient! The key here is to work out where you fit into the table and to be able to see where others fit, so you can work out the best way of communicating with them ? through all the marketing channels that you use, as well as face to face or over the phone.

Here are some suggestions for how best to promote your services to people from the different corners of the table.

Ds use strong, confident verbal communication and direct eye contact. Give them factual information about what you do and allow them to be in charge. Demonstrate how other leaders, just like them, use your services. Don?t waste their time and only promise what you can deliver.

I types are animated, friendly and a bit rambling. They smile a lot and use open, demonstrative body language. Make your sales meetings with them fun and provide them with personal testimonials. Be expressive and use graphic displays, while using plenty of energy. Show how working with you will make them look good.

Ss usually have soft voices and use small hand gestures. They have a relaxed, unemotional style. Emphasise the guarantee you provide and listen to their questions and concerns with complete attention. Don?t interrupt them when they?re talking!

C types speak in monotones and can appear aloof. Their voices are quiet and deliberate and they have controlled body language with few hand gestures. When talking to them, give them factual information and providence evidence to back up your claims. Don?t make them rush their decisions and be prepared to cross all the Ts and dot the Is.

When you know your own style and you spot different styles in other people, you?ll find it much easier to communicate with them. If you?re bouncy, enthusiastic person, but the person you?re selling to is very quiet and reflective, you?ll put them off if you?re too bouncy. If the other person wants facts and figures, but you just want to rave about how great using your service will make them feel, you?ll never persuade them to buy from you. Take the time to get to know your own style and practice seeing other people?s styles and your marketing will become much more powerful.

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