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Did you know that YouTube receives over 1 billion unique visitors each month!


With that many people visiting a social media platform each month, what are you doing to get their attention? YouTube ? the second most popular search engine, have also stated that 500 years of YouTube video are watched every day on Facebook. These numbers speak for themselves and I would highly suggest if you?re not on YouTube, then get on it right away.

The numbers above are just for one video sharing website; think how about the other video sharing websites such as Vimeo or Vevo (and the vast amount of overs). Think how many videos are uploaded on a business website. Videos are becoming more and more popular and the businesses are using this massive trend to its advantage by connecting with their audience. You should be taking advantage of videos and start filming and build an audience.

Some of the key reasons for using videos in business are:

  • Put a face to the business – By showing some emotion and showing people that represent the business you are helping your brand. Your potential clients and customers are far more likely to buy from you by seeing who they are dealing with.
  • Another channel to show off your expertise – Videos are a brilliant tool to show off your knowledge and expertise. Showing off your knowledge will install confidence into your potential clients/customers and making them want to work with you. This will also help you build an online presence as people will identify you as an expert in your industry.
  • Good for SEO – Having videos on your website is a very good SEO technique as Google not only likes fresh content, it likes social and engaging content. As mentioned above, YouTube is the 2nd most used search engine on the internet, so having your videos appear as search results can be very good for your online presence.
  • Go to your potentials, don?t wait for them to come to you – By uploading fresh video content to websites such as YouTube, you are going to where your potential clients/customers ‘hang out’. Instead of just trying to get people to visit your website, go to them as well. Interact and engage with people using videos and they will come.
  • Brand Recognition – By showing your brand on other websites, you are getting your brand out there in the world so more people can see who you are and what you do. Videos can have a massive effect on your brand, so make sure to create a professional looking video to increase your brands reputation.

Do you use videos in your business? If so then how effective how you found them on your business? Do keep an eye out on Friday as our new apprentice Dale will be telling you what he has learnt about videos from a fresh perspective.

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