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What Can YouTube Bring to the Table?

What Can YouTube Bring to the Table? 

On Monday Nidhi gave us a brilliant blog filled with hints and tips on how to get the most out of YouTube. In YouTube Your Way to Success, Nidhi mentioned that YouTube is the second most used search engine in the world. I think this is one of the biggest reasons you should be on YouTube and get involved with the social media community.

When I first joined Appletree we used YouTube for a small majority of clients, now we use it for most of them.  One of the clients in particular had a YouTube already set up with a few videos and not much interaction. Now the client has over 30 videos on the channel with and a ‘video view’ increase of 300%. So what was done to achieve this? If you follow all the tips that Nidhi gave you on Monday then you will achieve this goal.


But what has this YouTube success brought to our client?

Added content to the website.  Adding fresh content will help your website performance as Google likes fresh content. Once a system was put into place and the YouTube videos were regularly uploaded to the website, site visits increased. Compared to this time last year, visits have increased nearly 200%.

Giving relevant content. The video topics are decided in two ways, the first method is if there are any updates to within the industry of our client – for example for an HR consultant, recent employment changes will be a good video. The second is by what search terms are people using to find your website. Some of the video topics will be based around these search terms and therefore giving relevant content to the people finding the website. Since doing this the website has seen an increase in returning visitors by 25%.

Expertise and Knowledge. Posting a YouTube video about your industry or even about a product or service you offer shows that you know what you’re talking about. However these videos can also provide a lot of answers that your audience may have. For example if you wanted to know how to get the best out of Facebook, a lot of videos will appear in your search results. Having this bank of information in video form can not only help you from an online perspective but from offline as well. Our client once said that they have been able to refer clients and potentials to the videos as they provide a lot of useful information. This will help develop the working relationship which will help turning a potential client to client.

One happy client. Whenever we meet our client they always say how happy they are with the work we are doing. They are really happy with the marketing activities and always say that business is doing well and there is never a quiet moment in the office. Granted not all of this can be put down to videos on YouTube, but from my perspective it has helped massively. The videos have been a part of the marketing strategy and they have really helped to improve the client’s digital presence which has created more leads.

This is what I have seen from YouTube. I have seen it start off at a very junior stage for our client and now it is continuing to flourish and bring positive activity for our client. It is honestly one of my favourite websites on the internet and I implore you to get involved. If you would like any suggestions on videos to shoot or even where to start on YouTube, then leave a comment below, or send me an email.

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