Is it Too Early to Book Your Christmas Party?
Is it Too Early to Book Your Christmas Party? In July this year I ordered the Appletree Christmas cards. Did I do it because I just can’t wait for Christmas to come? No. I did...
Is it Too Early to Book Your Christmas Party? In July this year I ordered the Appletree Christmas cards. Did I do it because I just can’t wait for Christmas to come? No. I did...
How Well Do You Know Your Clients? And How Important is it That You Do? The last time I went to the hairdresser, I sat down and complained "My hair just isn’t working! It's only...
What's the Best Way to Get Referrals? By Saying Thank You! I keep hearing people talk about 'referral strategies' and a number of my clients have asked me recently about whether or not they should set...
My Top (Seven) Business Books At a networking meeting I attended in the summer, the speaker told us about her list of top ten business books. They were all books she’d read and she knew many...
How Do You Write a Book to Market Your Small Business? Recently I was introduced to a lovely lady called Kate, who is a coach and a trainer. She was interested in writing a book in...
Take Your Business on Tour! When Appletree turned 10 years old, I celebrated by writing a book full of the lessons I'd learnt, to help other small business owners avoid making the same mistakes. It took...
In the A – Z of Marketing, Z is for ... Zest, Zing and Zebedee! I used to love going to networking events. I would bounce in like Zebedee and find people to speak to. If...
Are Pubs Only as Good as their Toilets? The New Theory! I have a theory about how you can tell how good a pub is going to be just by looking at the toilets. My local...
In the A - Z of Marketing, Y is for ... You! Many small businesses struggle to work out their USP - unique selling point - that makes them different and makes them stand out from...
I Predict a Riot! How do you inspire an audience of 15,000 people to the point where they are hanging onto your every word? How do you engage with every person in an audience of that...
Human relationships, based on emotions, are the key to the conversations you have with potential...
How often have you found yourself working with a client who isn’t totally perfect for...
In my travels around the world, I get to speak to many different audiences, work...