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Are you riding the feast and famine rollercoaster?

Are you riding the feast and famine rollercoaster?

?I can?t write a newsletter this month because I?ve got too much work to do.?

?I can?t afford to go networking because I don?t have enough money coming in this month.?

?I?m too busy to do any marketing.?

These are all phrases that I?ve heard in the last month, from the owners of small businesses. They are riding what I call the ?feast and famine? rollercoaster. One month they are so busy that they can?t get away from the office and barely have time to breathe; the next month there?s no work coming and no money to do any marketing. It?s something I see too much of with small businesses, which is a shame, because there is a simple solution. The way to get a regular flow of clients into a business, with a regular income, is through planning your marketing. Learning what works and then doing more of it, little and often, is the secret. Working out exactly what you can do ? what you can afford and what you have time to do ? means that you can fit it into your busy schedule. Ad hoc marketing doesn?t work, so once you know what to do on a daily and weekly basis, you can keep doing it. This way, you can keep a steady flow of work coming into your business, no matter how busy you are.

If you?d like some practical help in getting off the feast and famine rollercoaster, come along to the workshop we?re running in Oxford on 29 May 2012. You?ll spend the day working on your Marketing Plan so that you leave knowing exactly what needs to be done, to get you off that rollercoaster. The cost is just £35 +VAT and you can book your place online here.

Here?s what Janice Morrison from Thames Training said, after attending our last workshop:

?The marketing plan that I learnt about in your workshop has changed my business.

I thought your workshop was fantastic.  It was clear and easy to understand and gave me loads of tips that I could implement straight away. 

Thanks to that day I now have a marketing plan, with marketing activities scheduled for every week. I have already noticed that it?s much easier to do my marketing because it?s all planned out for me and I know exactly what I need to do each week.  I?m someone who works well with deadlines and just  loves to tick things off, so it just works so well for me.?

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