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Announcing the Relaunch of Just JAC Email Newsletter!

A really good way to grow your business is by looking at the resources you?ve already got and seeing what     else you can do with them. This is something I did recently and released that our email newsletter system, Just Add Content (we like to call him JAC for short) was sitting there no really earning his keep.

When I first bought JAC from the person who created him, about 8 years ago, clients could use a DIY version ? Just JAC. We did the design and set up and they then did the rest, writing, loading and publishing their own newsletters. As the business grew, we started doing more and more for our clients ? writing and loading their newsletters; managing their mailing lists ? to the point that we stopped actively promoting the DIY version. But it occurred to me recently that we could offer this service to clients again, because the software is sitting there, just waiting for more people to use it; and our huge server has lots of unused capacity to look after more clients and send out more email newsletters.

We could have relaunched Just JAC a few months ago, when I first thought about it, but as with any new product or service, it?s worth doing some research first. We?ve spent time looking at our competitors to see what levels of service they provide, how much they charge and what their customers think of them. This has given us lots of really useful information and has helped us work out what packages we should offer, with which features, and how much to charge. We could have relaunched an expensive service that no one wanted. We could have spent a lot of money promoting something that won?t sell.

As it is, we think we?ve created a great new service in Just JAC, with a range of packages that will suit most business. If you?d like to use JAC completely free for the first two months, and get a free newsletter template, click here to tell us by 1 September 2012 and we?ll get right back to you with all the details.

And the next time you?re wondering how to grow your business, look at what you?ve already got and see what else you can do with it.

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