Take the Test – Find Out Your StandOut Strategy

Please select the words you hear most from your clients, about how they FEEL when they work with you. Be selective and tick no more than 5-7 words from each list. (Unless there is one list that really resonates with you, where you want to tick most of the words!) You may not not need to tick any from some of the lists. I'll look at your results and prepare a report for you which I'll email to you at the address you put into this form. If you run more than one business, please Take the Test for each business.

Purple List
Green List
Orange List
Red List
Blue List

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Down to Earth Marketing

The first StandOut Strategy, Certainty, is about being a safe pair of hands for your...

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The ABC of How to StandOut

There’s a buying process that everyone goes through when they’re looking to invest in a...

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How Do You Feel About Buying Me Dinner?

Two of my favourite restaurants have something very important in common. It’s the way I...

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