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Know thy neighbour…

One really useful marketing activity that often gets overlooked is a competitor analysis.  How well do you actually know your competitors?  Here are a few suggestions to carry out a simple analysis of those companies you are competing with.



  • What is the main feature of your competitor?s website?
  • What services do they offer that you don’t?
  • Do they publish their prices on the website?
  • Do they have a video on their website explaining their product or service better than you?
  • Do they list their clients?
  • What do they give away on their website?
  • How do they retain their visitors interest?
  • What strategic links do they have on their website?
  • Do they cater for specific industry sectors?
  • What offers do they have on their site?

If you understand your competitors it may help you to make the difference in winning new business.  Is a competitor analysis regularly included in your marketing plan?  Do you feel it?s not necessary for your business?  Let me know if you think you already know your competitors.  Comments welcomed!

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