Marketing Mentoring

Everything you need for your success.

I make space for select number of Mentoring clients each year, who need a boost, to help get their business going again.

We start when I send you a free copy of my book Magnetic Marketing. Either on your own, or with my support, you work through the first four, strategic chapters. Time to step back and think about your business for a while!

Then we take a couple of hours (Zoom works well, if that works for you) to work through those four chapters. We fill in any gaps and create a plan of action for your next 3-6 months.

And then, for the next five months, we have a 45 minute call each month, to help you work through that plan of action. As your Mentor, I am there to encourage you to step outside you comfort zone, to challenge you and ask your awkward questions, that lead you to brilliant answers. I’ll be there to cheer you on, pick you up when you stumble and help you to fly again.

I’ll even hold you accountable, to make sure your marketing gets done.

The result? You get the clarity and confidence you need. You get off the plateau on which you’re stuck (or over the wall that’s stopping you moving forward.) And you get more of the right sort of clients and get your business going again!

The investment is £1989 +VAT for the full six months. Pay up front if you like, or we can talk about monthly payments.

What you’ll get:

  • more clients; learn how to do your marketing and know how to do it regularly and consistently.
  • someone to hold you to account – making sure you get on and do it; someone to talk to regularly when you have questions, like “What do I write about next?” and plenty of hand-holding.
  • regular confidence boosts – know that you’re doing the right things; feeling safe, supported, less alone with your very own cheerleader – someone to support you and celebrate with!

Find out if I have space to take on a new Mentoring client now by calling me on +44 (0) 7773 252 744 or by emailing chantal at

From your Marketing Mentor you’ll get:

A monthly call (by phone, online or even face to face if I’m in the neighbourhood) with someone who has nearly 25 years of experience working with coaches, consultants and speakers.


Email and phone support (or use WhatsApp if that’s more to your taste) to answer your marketing questions in between calls, to top up your confidence and keep your overwhelm at bay. You’ll even get suggestions for improving your marketing!

All this for £1989, which works out at £331.50 a month, for six months (+VAT)

Call (or WhatsApp) me  on +44 (0) 7773 252 744 now to check my availability and find out how to get started. Or work out my email from this – chantal at – and send me a message.

Is there a Guarantee?

If after the first three months, having attended all your monthly mentoring sessions and completed all the actions you said you would do, you’re not convinced that Marketing Mentoring is helping you grow your business, then just ask for a full refund – no questions asked.

But – Mentoring is your chance to talk to a marketing expert who can give you the support and advice you need to drive your business forward. At each session, you’ll receive feedback and new ideas on how to improve the marketing you’re doing, to help you reach your targets. And cheering to keep you going. Follow her advice, do the work and you’ll get the results you want.

Call or message me on +44 (0) 7773 252 744 to find out how to get your free copy of Magnetic Marketing, and get started on moving your business beyond where it is now.

“Thanks so much for all the advice today – you really are an inspiration!”

Kate Mercer, The Leaders Lab

Recommend a friend to start Mentoring – whether you use the service or not – and we’ll send you a gorgeous gift to say thank you.

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